好消息- 2018年4月


PALCON -一个动态, 四年一度的牧师会议, 要来南拿撒勒大学吗. 从6月25日到27日, 2018, several hundred Nazarene clergy from primarily the South Central Region, 美国, 会经历什么被称为密集, 激励和装备. 围绕着共同的主题,来吧 & 见(约翰福音1:35-51), each region’s conference is initiated by Clergy Development for the 美国/Canada Region of the Church of the Nazarene, but shaped by its own schedule and resourced by a unique set of plenary speakers and seminar presenters.

几百个男人和女人, serving the Church of the Nazarene in a wide range of ministry settings, 将听取博士的意见。. Carla Sunberg, General Superintendent for the Church of the Nazarene in the opening worship session. The following evening’s plenary message will be brought by Albert Hung, 加州地区的负责人(拿撒勒人), 在此之前,他的任务是领导一个多站点, 种族多元化的多会众教堂. The culmination of the conference services will feature SNU’s president, Dr. 基思•纽曼, 一位鼓舞人心、广受欢迎的演讲者, 并被任命为拿撒勒教会的长老.

会议日将充满了联谊时间, 有机会参加实际事工工作坊, and – highlighting the gathering will be a series of Organic Outreach Intensives, 由牧师和有机外展的联合创始人领导, 凯文·哈尼, 他的妻子, 雪莉•哈尼, 国际有机外展的执行牧师, 沃尔特·班尼特. This series of seminars is helping local churches around the world effectively engage in living the kind of life that naturally draws people to Jesus and has proven to be highly successful in increasing evangelism, 导致精神和数字的增长.

三位主持人都是经验丰富的牧师, authors and seminar leaders who have effectively infused the passion for natural evangelism into their ministries and congregations. 凯文·哈尼 served as the keynote speaker for the Fall 2017 Pastors Forum at SNU, and his passion for reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ was so inspiring that an invitation was extended to Dr. Harney将担任PALCON 2018的研讨会负责人.

报名时间 palcon.org and all Nazarene congregations are encouraged to support your pastor’s attendance. PALCON 2018 promises to be a time of refreshing, renewal and recommitment. 了解更多关于 首尔大学PALCON 2018.


南拿撒勒大学 serves the Church of the Nazarene primarily on the South Central Region, 包括阿肯色州, 路易斯安那州, 俄克拉荷马州和德克萨斯州的大部分地区. 在这些州内, the Church has ten unique Districts that meet each year in a gathering known as the annual District Assembly.

One of the privileges of partnering with the 600 plus local churches on the Region is the opportunity for the president of 南拿撒勒大学 to share at each District Assembly about the work of the university. 在就任首尔大学校长的第一年,李博士就被任命为首尔大学校长. 基思•纽曼 has received a warm welcome from constituents of several Districts that have already convened for their annual gathering, and is anticipating great times of sharing and fellowship at the assemblies scheduled to take place in the coming weeks.

Dr. 纽曼分享了学生在学业上取得成功的故事, 那些在服务中做出牺牲的人, and of transformational experiences in the lives of young people attending SNU. 他对该地区的访问有点像回家, 曾在中南部地区担任牧师, 也是地区青年领袖, 在进入基督教高等教育之前. 这补充说,作为博士. 纽曼说过, “a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by pastors and lay leaders in the local church.”

重要的是, representation of the university at each assembly further strengthens the partnership between SNU and the local church, and provides a means to publicly express the gratitude of the campus family for the strong, 在祈祷中一贯支持澳门特别行政区, 送学生, 并通过他们的牺牲获得经济上的支持.

今年,Dr。. Newman is concluding his presentation with an invitation to join him as a prayer partner, promising to share prayer requests several times a year and give important updates to partners. 对于那些没有的人, 或者不愿意, 有机会在讲习会上完成一张卡片, 您可以通过联系Dr. 纽曼的助手,纽曼夫人. 托利娅·斯波姆,at tspindle@pguc.net. 博士. 纽曼表示, “My prayer is that SNU will continue this great 119 year partnership of discipling our young people for service.”


英国道森, 神学与事工学院大四学生, will be on scholarship with stipend at Oxford University in May and June of 2018. The seventh consecutive SNU student to participate in a scholarship fellowship with the Museum of the Bible, 道森 is in a strategic mentorship program hosted by SNU Professor, Dr. Marty Alan 迈克耳逊, via a partnership with the Museum, now open in Washington, D.C. 道森 has studied Biblical languages in Hebrew and Greek in his Bible coursework and in the summer program at Oxford he will be given hands-on access to early Christian texts in the context of mentoring relationships with professors that help emerging scholars train for issues unique to Christian vocation in academic life.

道森, a Theology major with a minor in Biblical Languages from Kansas City, MO, 将在杜克神学院开始澳门太阳城官网学习, 杜克大学, 在2018年秋天. Entering SNU with a strong interest in the teaching profession, 道森 says he found his true calling in his Theology classes during his freshman year. With a goal of obtaining a doctorate degree, he hopes to someday be instructing at the college level. 除了完整的课程表, he has served three years as a staff member and mentor to underserved youth in the after-school program at Oklahoma City First Church of the Nazarene.

As one of approximately 40 university students chosen for Logos at Oxford from applicants in an international pool of candidates, 道森 received congratulations from SNU President 基思•纽曼, 谁说, “We’re really proud of Britain and excited for the opportunity that is being afforded to him and Dr. 迈克耳逊.” “Having personally been with many of the faculty and student scholars who have completed research in Oxford, 我知道在英国之前的经历是一次非凡的经历,他补充道.

道森对个人投资表示感谢, academic preparation and support of his professors in the 首尔大学神学院, 尤其是博士. 迈克尔逊博士. 史蒂夫·格林, whom he credits with giving him confidence and guidance in applying for this study opportunity and entry to 杜克大学.

了解更多有关 首尔大学神学院.



